STA304 Course Project
This was a term long group project for STA304: Surveys, Sampling and observational data at the University of Toronto Mississauga for the Fall 2024 term. This was a survey based project consisting of four phases: proposal and survey design, data collection, data analysis, and submission of the technical report. During the first stage, we came up with three research questions relevant to the topic chosen and then designed a survey to collect that data. During the data collection phase we deployed our survey and collected data over the course of 3 weeks in order to collect an adequate sample size. All data was collected among other STA304 students in order to comply with the UofT ethics approval for the course. Also during this phase, the data was cleaned into a readily workable csv file to prepare for data analysis (both raw and cleaned data are available on Github). During the data analysis stage we used various statistical tests and techniques on our data in order to answer our research questions. The final phase of the project pulled everything together. We formalized our data analysis and compiled it into a technical report.
The full technical report can be found here and all data along with the project proposal and code appendix can be found on Github.
Personal Website
What you are currently reading this on! This website serves as a platform for me to host all of my relevant academic and professional information, including my CV and my projects. Built with Quarto and hosted via Github pages, it has given me valuable experience working with Quarto, a format that is widely used in Statistics and Data Science. In the future, I hope to continue building out the website with more information as I continue to work on new projects and academic work. I keep it up to date, with the latest update time found at the bottom of the home page.
STA305 Course Project
A work in progress! This will be the course project for STA305: Experimental Design at the University of Toronto Mississauga. Being a semester long project, you can likely see it published here sometime in the middle of April 2025.